Common Questions

Our goal is to provide clear, concise information that helps you understand who we are, what we do, and how our technologies are making a difference. If you can't find the answer to your question, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We're always here to help!

What is EMPEG technology and how does it work?

EMPEG technology is Trireme's proprietary video compression method. It can provide full HD1080p and UHD4K video streams using significantly lower bitrates than standard compression methods, thus helping to solve issues related to network congestion and bandwidth limitations. Importantly, this technology can be deployed without modifying existing platforms, and customers don't need any additional hardware or software to use it.

How does EMPEG benefit rural broadband?

EMPEG technology can help equalize the digital divide by enabling rural households to receive content that would not be otherwise available over their current connection. This technology can increase the capacity of existing distribution channels at near-zero CAPEX.

How does EMPEG effect video streaming?

EMPEG technology allows for high-quality video streams with no latency, buffering, or degradation of quality, even at low bitrates. It has been thoroughly tested and measured using the most accurate, recognized, and standardized tools in video measurement.

Who is Trireme?

Trireme's professionals and management team have extensive real-world experience in technology, government/defense services, international law enforcement, banking, and finance. The company's Chief Scientist and Co-Founder is a voting member of the Motion Imagery Standards Board (MISB) under the umbrella of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency